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What is this website that you just stumbled into? It's my EPIC AWESOME Blog, that's what! What the fuck am I talking about, you ask? Well, it's all that random videos and awesome websites that I find and show my friends, and then comment and say: Woah brohan, remember that one link to that one site and/or video that you showed us? What was that?Well kids, it's this blog! I hope you enjoy and share it with the world.

Ultimate Playground: l'Autodrome, France

Posted by Dirty Panda | Posted in | Posted on 9:38 AM

I'm not a Fast and the Furious expert but I do play lot's of Need for Speed and what this guy does in real life is pretty bad ass. Check out this Ford Fiesta driving around in the south of Paris, France in the L'Autodrome de Linas. It's a 1.58 mile oval track, which was built in 1924, and it features some retarded awesome steeps, inclines, and ramp-like banking. The driver is some guy named Ken Block and does things that remind me of some Initial D racing (yeah, that reference just happend), oh yeah it's one of the coolest driving videos ever.

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