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What is this website that you just stumbled into? It's my EPIC AWESOME Blog, that's what! What the fuck am I talking about, you ask? Well, it's all that random videos and awesome websites that I find and show my friends, and then comment and say: Woah brohan, remember that one link to that one site and/or video that you showed us? What was that?Well kids, it's this blog! I hope you enjoy and share it with the world.

Street Fighter Legacy

Posted by Dirty Panda | Posted in | Posted on 11:33 AM

So far the Street Fighter movies have been sub-par. In fact if it wasn't such a bad B movie, the first street fighter would have no following... as of the second one? I never even saw it, it was so bad. So what happens next? Awesome kids make a Fan Movie... Although it has no real story it does looking EPIC!

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